Springwood 1 2 Photo


A new classroom block for a modern SEN School.

The environment in which we learn can have a long lasting effect on how we view education. MOJO sees creating inspirational schools and classrooms as an important duty, to improve the lives of the students and the teachers alike.

Springwood Primary School, is a facility that serves Salford and provides specialist education for pupils aged 2 to 11 years all of whom have an Education Health Care Plan. They approached MOJO after previously working on their Training Complex, to look at expanding the school's pupil capacity.

The priority was to design and create a new classroom block to accommodate 4 new specialist classrooms with attached breakout spaces. Each classroom was to have storage and quiet spaces, and the block required toilets, changing facilities, a staffroom and large multi-use space.

We looked at a large area of unused land to the rear of the school's site, which was currently fenced off. Although it did back onto houses, we designed an option to reduce the height and impact it may have on the larger community.

Each classroom would have bespoke built-in furniture and would be created alongside experts in SEN design. Natural light is a key design element, and we have aimed to create bright and optimistic spaces for both the children and the staff.

Springwood wanted to incorporate the branding colours they had previously used for the Training Complex, so we used metallic cladding to give a sleek, modern look, whilst used similar bricks from the existing school to help connect the two buildings.

The additional rooms and facilities will not only help Springwood to accommodate and teach more children, but will help Salfords SEN capacity.
Inspirational spaces, especially classrooms can have a long lasting effect on all who use them and MOJO is proud to work alongside Springwood.

Natural daylight can have a huge impact on the welfare and wellbeing of anyone using educational spaces, so MOJO designs all aspects of classrooms with this in mind.

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