
Why is it so important in 2025 to hire a registered 'Architect' ?

Understanding the differences, between professional Architects like MOJO, and the difference compared to non-registered companies such as 'Architectural Services' , 'Architectural Designers' , 'Technologists' or 'Draughtsman Services' ?

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What is an Architect, and why is it a protected title ?

Over the last few years, there has been lots of companies starting up in construction, where they insinuate they are Architects or do the same job, but actually don't. 

At MOJO we have often had clients asking us to reduce our fees without understanding that it is a completely different service and level of protection clients get from Architects; compared to these non-regulated companies. 

'Architects' are a legally protected profession, such as Doctors, Dentists and Solicitors, and anyone calling themselves an Architect must registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB).

Registered Architects
are held to strict standards by our governing body (like a licensing board) and we must follow legal, ethical, and safety regulations.
We have to be insured, and we have a much broader set of skills and can help to add value to our projects, whilst reduce risk for our clients.

Other titles such as 'Architectural Designers, Technologists or Draughtsman' don't have to have any qualificationsbe insured or regulated.
Often their business model is about doing work as quick as possible, with minimal quality and service to allow them to undercut Professional Architects. 

As Architects, we see it all the time, and the confusion can cause issues for clients like you.

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Why risk your home on someone un-registered and un-qualified ?

Hiring an architect is about getting the highest service possible, reducing risk and cost uncertainty, and getting the perfect design that meets your needs.
All building projects cost significant money, and risking the final outcome on someone unregistered is a massive risk.

Anyone using the term 'Architect' in order to confuse or mislead clients into thinking they are getting an Architect service, when they are getting an un-regulated tradesperson, can be liable for prosecution.

You wouldn't dream of going to an unregistered Dentist, or an unregistered Doctor, so why wouldn't you go to a registered Architect.

Hiring someone unregistered for one of the most important and expensive investments of your life, is a massive risk, and it's Architects like MOJO who often have to come in and pick up the pieces when it goes wrong.

It's worth the investment at the start to save money throughout the project.

Always check the ARB Architects Register to make sure you are working with a registered Architect.

Click here for the link.

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